The number of properties on the market in Rolling Hills Estates ( including the unincorporated area of Palos Verdes Peninsula ) has decreased substantially this year down to only 15 homes, a 40% decrease from the prior year. The number of properties sold monthly has increased substantially over the last 3 months, averaging9 sales a month, a 350% increase over the comparable period last year . There are 6 homes in escrow as of the end of January. Click Here for a current search of homes for Sale in Rolling Hills Estates. Make sure to scroll down to see entire report.

Jan. 13 Dec. 12 % Change Curnt vs. Prev Month Jan. 13 Jan. 12 % Change Curnt vs. Same Month 1 Yr Ago Nov. 12 to Jan. 13 Nov. 11 to Jan. 12 % Change Curnt vs. Same Qtr 1 Yr Ago
For Sale 15 10 50% 15 25 -40% 13 24 -45.8%
Sold 6 12 -50% 6 2 200% 9 2 350%
Pended 6 9 -33.3% 6 6 0% 9 4 125%
The following are a list of the6 homes sold in the City of Rolling Hills Estates during the month of January 2013:
Address Sales Price Bd Bth Sqft $/Sq Yr. Built ML# Sold Date Days on Market

9 Saddlehorn LN $1,130,050 3 3.00 2,441 $462.95 1959 S12073939 1/08/13 189

2212 Potrillo RD $1,201,000 4 2.00 2,828 $424.68 1957 PV12138754 1/16/1321

27616 Sunnyridge RD $1,225,000 3 3.00 2,820 $434.40 1959 PV12146892 1/29/136

5052 Range Horse LN$1,395,000 4 2.00 1,795 $777.16 1953 PV12139698 1/11/13 60

45 Country LN $1,888,000 5 4.00 4,173 $452.43 1979 SB12146908 1/11/13 39

28414 Seamount DR $1,080,000 4 3.00 2,135 $505.85 1971 SB12146751 1/28/13 138

Average$1,319,842 4.0 2.80 2,699 $48976

The average price per square foot for homes sold in Rolling Hills Estates ( including the unincorporated area of Palos Verdes Peninsula ) continued to make a strong comeback since the first of the year , averaging $464 per sq. ft. over the last 3 months, an approx. 18% increase from the comparable period a year ago.

Jan. 13 Dec. 12 % Change Curnt vs. Prev Month Jan. 13 Jan. 12 % Change Curnt vs. Same Month 1 Yr Ago Nov. 12 to Jan. 13 Nov. 11 to Jan. 12 % Change Curnt vs. Same Qtr 1 Yr Ago
Avg. Sq. Ft. Price 489 456 7.3% 489 365 33.8% 464 394 17.8%
Horse Jumping at Dapplegray
Based on the average monthly sales for the last 3 months of9 homes and the 15 homes listed for sale, there is currently less than a 2 month inventory of unsold homes. The chart below is based only on the most recent month sales.
The average list price of homes in Rolling Hills Estates had been rising recently, however has decreased slightly the last two months withthe
lower priced homes in the market selling more rapidly.
Jan. 13 Dec. 12 % Change Curnt vs. Prev Month Jan. 13 Jan. 12 % Change Curnt vs. Same Month 1 Yr Ago Nov. 12 to Jan. 13 Nov. 11 to Jan. 12 % Change Curnt vs. Same Qtr 1 Yr Ago
Avg. Active Price 1622 1685 -3.7% 1622 1360 19.3% 1683 1332 26.4%
Avg. Sold Price 1319 1366 -3.4% 1319 1090 21% 1306 1388 -5.9%
The time period to sell a home has averaged 2 to 3 months over the last quarter, and homes have sold for an average of 93% of list price
For other market reports for the Palos Verdes Peninsula, go to Market Reports on my website.

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