The Country Club area of Rancho Palos Verdes (area 171 in map below ) had the following real estate market activity for single family residences during the 3rd Quarter of 2013 :

Properties Sold: 13

Address Sales Price BR BA Sq.ft. $/Sq.ft Yr.Blt. MLS# Sold Date Days on Mkt.

6457 Sattes DR $1,275,000 5 4.00 2,912 $437.84 1972 SB13108800 7/25/13 18

6944 Crest RD $1,281,300 4 3.00 2,368 $541.09 1965 PW13153863 9/27/13 67

30103 Cartier DR $1,332,000 5 5.00 2,950 $451.53 1980 OC13160760 9/10/13 30

6533 Sattes DR $1,510,000 4 4.00 2,912 $518.54 1972 SB13144564 9/03/13 16

7147 Avenida Altisima$1,750,000 4 4.00 3,142 $556.97 1969 PW13143398 9/13/13 43

30676 Via La Cresta $1,825,000 5 3.00 3,260 $559.82 1968 SB13137056 9/03/13 49

6751 Alta Vista DR $1,985,000 4 4.00 3,561 $557.43 1978 PV13097352 8/07/13 40

Average $1,565,471 4.0 3.90 3,015 $518 38

Average Sales Price of homes sold during 3rd quarter: $ 1.6 million

Properties for Sale as of 9/30/13: 5 ( 2 to 3 months of inventory based on the average number of homes sold per month in the last quarter of 2 ) Click Here for Current Properties For Sale

Average List Price at 9/30/13: $1.6 million

Average Price per Sq. Ft. for Properties Sold during 3rd Qtr: $ 518 per sq. ft.

Sep. 13 Aug. 13 Curnt vs. Prev Month % Change Sep. 13 Sep. 12 Curnt vs. Same Month 1 Yr Ago % Change Jul. 13 to Sep. 13 Jul. 12 to Sep. 12 Curnt vs. Same Qtr 1 Yr Ago % Change
Avg. Sq. Ft. Price 526.1 557.4 -5.6%

526.1 478.9 9.9%

518 481.5 7.6%

Properties sold at an average of 99% of Original List Price

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