The Redondo Beach Police Officers €™ Association, in conjunction with the Redondo Beach Firefighters €™ Association, is proud to announce the return of Santa Claus to the citizens of Redondo Beach. After a short reprieve, Santa Claus and his little elves have agreed to take time out of their busy schedule to swing by our side of the globe.
Starting November 26th, Santa and his Elves will once again travel the streets of Redondo Beach. The sleigh will begin in the north end of town, ending in the south end of town on December 13th. December 14th, 15th and 16th will be used as make up days if needed. Although the time can vary, Santa generally leaves the North Pole around 5:30 PM. He travels the streets of Redondo Beach until around 9 PM. It is hard to say when Santa will stop by your street, but you can estimate this by the above times and where you fall within the route on any given night.
Originally started by volunteer police and firefighters several decades ago, the Santa Sleigh had been operated continuously up until last year. The Santa Sleigh has always been staffed by off duty police officers and firefighters volunteering countless hours during Santa €™s visit. This is an opportunity for Redondo Beach €™s public safety personnel to give back to the community and thank them for their support.
Come out and not only meet Santa, but also the police officers, firefighters and city employees that work the streets in your city every day!
Go to for a list of the dates when Santa will be in your neighborhood!
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