Palos Verdes Beach and Athletic Club — 310-375-8777. 389 Paseo del Mar PV Estates. Click here for Information Sheet
Access available for a daily fee of $8 per person for guests of members ($12 from June 15 to September 4), for the first 4 guests (double the fee for each additional guest), $30 per person for residents ($20 for children under 18, and free for children under 3) and $50 per person for non-residents. Guests and day-fee users may not use the exercise equipment.
Resident resaleable membership is $16,000, and Resident non-resaleable membership is $8,000. Monthly dues are currently $200 per month. The current wait list for Resident membership is quite long (10 years or longer), the wait list is approx. 244 residents, and the club is selling new memberships at the rate of about 20 per year. The club has reached its maximum allowable limit of members of 610. The top 50 on the wait list may now have a non-summer membership (10/1 to 4/30) for the monthly dues of $200.
Non-residents may no longer purchase a membership in the club, but may use the club by paying the $50 per person non-resident daily fee.
The club operates under a concession agreement with the City of Palos Verdes Estates which owns the club land and improvements. The Club has requested that the City approve a program of selling associate memberships to some of the people on the wait list which would allow them to utilize the club facilities during the off season period.
The swim club also operates a summer swim program for members and PVE residents

Facility Rental:
Rental of the club facilities must be sponsored by a member of the club.
Pool Deck Rental:
North Portion of Pool Deck only:
Winter Season (9/16-5/31) : Limited to 50 people. From 5 to 9 pm the rental is $150 plus applicable . member guest fee. From 12 to 5 pm, the rental is $100 plus applicable guest fees.
Summer Season ( 6/1 – 9/15): Limited to 30 people. From From 5 to 9 pm the rental is $225 plus applicable member guest fees. From 12 to 5 pm, the rental is $125 plus applicable member guest fees.
Exclusive use of entire Pool Deck: The entire pool deck may only be rented on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Winter Season (October through July), the rental is $2,500. Summer Season (July and August), the rental is $3,300.
Club Room Rental: The club room may be rented on Thursdays or Saturdays. Fees are variable depending on the time of day. Thursday rental fees range from $250 to $650, and Saturday rental fees range up to $1,700.
Members interested in renting the facilities should confirm the above fees directly with club management.